WOMAD SA “World of Music, Arts and Dance”


Celebrating 30 Years of Democracy with Cultural Diversity from around the World with a special Desmond Tutu United 4 Humanity Concert in Cape Town; Sonography: Stories in Roots and Blues at Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees and various exciting concerts and workshops featuring top local and international artists.

WOMAD “World of Music, Arts & Dance” was launched in 1982 by Peter Gabriel and has successfully brought the ethos, sights, global sounds and rhythms to 32 countries around the world to an audience of millions. WOMAD SA 2024 Concerts and Activities will be held in Cape Town, Stellenbosch and Johannesburg.

WOMAD SA Festival Director Dan Chiorboli says: “This is the third year since WOMAD was first hosted in SA and it is an important one for us as we celebrate important historical South African milestones, which present opportunities to reflect on the past and look to the future with a superb offering of performances, workshops and collaborations of cultural diversity and social cohesion.”

In a deviation from their global traditional “Festival in a Field” format, WOMAD South Africa have adapted their model to present a series of activities as immersive cultural experiences in unique boutique type formats to fit into South Africa’s cultural landscape. The venues are intimate venues and activities take the form of boutique style events which are designed to offer as many job creation opportunities across the cultural eco system as possible.

In Cape Town, with the support of the City of Cape Town as presenting sponsor, amongst other great events, WOMAD SA is proud to partner with the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation to present two special events: A once off screening of the film A Tree Has Fallen: Remembering Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Desmond Tutu United 4 Humanity Concert at St George’s Cathedral with among other top artists Ladysmith Black Mambazo, PJ Powers, Zolani Mahola, Arno Carstens, Hilton Schilder & Shaheema Lakay, Joep Pelt and Soweto Soul. This special concert is being held to celebrate the legacy of one of South Africa’s greatest leaders, the 40th Anniversary of Tutu receiving the Nobel Peace Prize and his contribution to 30 Years of South Africa’s Democracy, Social Cohesion and Cultural Diversity to the World. This unplugged, acoustic and choral concert includes a performance on the cathedral’s famed pipe organ and a selection of songs by the famed St George’s Cathedral Choir.

WOMAD SA is furthermore excited to collaborate, for the first time, with Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees, in staging one special concert titled Sonography: Stories in Roots and Blues. Sonography is an exploration in sound and music of storytelling and questioning. In this production artists tell stories prompted by instruments and the memories they invoke: uhadi, blik-`n-snaar, kora, percussion, and Mississippi blues. Their questions gesture hope: how do we listen anew, with nuance and complexity? Featuring Iskwew Singers (Canada – Voices), Joep Pelt (Netherlands – Guitar & Voice), Ncebakazi Mnukwana (Khoisan Voice & Uhadi Bow) & Garth Erasmus (Khoisan instruments & Saxophone).

The full programme for WOMAD Cape Town features the following concerts and activities:

Tuesday 1 October 19h00, Time Out Studio V&A Waterfront.

Film: “A Tree Has Fallen: Remembering Archbishop Desmond Tutu”.

With Short performances by Iskwew Singers (Canada).

Free entrance. More info: info.capetown@timeoutmarket.com

Wednesday 2 October 16h00, Fismer Hall, US Konservatorium

Toyota Stellenbosch Woordfees: Sonography: Stories in Roots and Blues.

More info and tickets: https://woordfees.co.za/en/program/sonografie-grepe-in-roots-en-blues/

Thursday 3 October 19h30, Social & Athletic Club.

“A Taste of Brazil” with Livia & Fred (Brazil)

CAPE TOWN CBD – 35 Buitengracht Street. Bookings and info: info@theatlethic.co.za

Friday 4 October 19h00 at St George`s Cathedral 19h00.

Desmond Tutu United 4 Humanity Concert. 

Featuring Ladysmith Black Mambazo, PJ Powers, Zolani Mahola, Arno Carstens, Hilton Schilder & Shaheema Lakay, Joep Pelt & Soweto Soul (Netherlands/SA), Iskwew Singers (Canada), Nhoza Sitsholwana & Andre Kriel, Francesca Biancoli (Italy), Livia & Fred (Brazil), St George’s Choir & DSK Senior Band. MC is Nik Rabinowitz. 

Tickets: https://www.quicket.co.za/events/273820-desmond-tutu-united-4-humanity-concert/#/

Saturday 5 October and Sunday 6 October at the Amphitheatre V&A Waterfront 14h00 to 18h00.

WOMAD Global Sounds with various artists.

Diversity from around the World. (free concerts)

Additionally, there will be music workshops held in Masiphumelele and Langa on Saturday 5 October. See details on www.womadsa.co.za

WOMAD Johannesburg will take place from 9 to 13 October. Chiorboli says “We have committed to investing in the inner city’s rejuvenation plans by bringing our international and local artists into multiple venues to drive the arts and culture element. We realise that there is a much deeper context at play and firmly believe that this is the right thing to do in order to boost socio-economic development plans and bring culture back to the inner city.  The international artists will perform and collaborate with local artists at The Rand Club, Niki’s Oasis, Untitled Basement, Troyeville Hotel, Pata Pata, AMPD Studios, etc.

For the full WOMAD series of activities go to: www.womadsa.co.za