Johannesburg Opera presents ‘The Celebration of Puccini’

Giacomo Puccini

The Johannesburg Opera is excited to present the Centennial commemoration of the composer Giacomo Puccini. This exceptional performance pays tribute to the one-hundredth anniversary of Puccini’s passing.

At this concert, you will hear arias and ensembles from Le VilliToscaLa BohemeGianni SchicchiMadame ButterflyEdgarTurandot and La Rondine. You will be entertained by Khayakazi Madlala (soprano), Brenda Thulo (soprano), Tebogo Makgwe (tenor), Phenye Modiane (tenor) and Solly Motaung (baritone), accompanied by Heinrich Alberts.

In his own words, Giacomo Puccini writes, “Almighty God touched me with His little finger and said: ‘Write for the theatre . . .’ I have obeyed the supreme command.” Puccini is widely known as one of the four foremost opera masters, alongside Verdi, Wagner, and Mozart. His music can transport the audience through a wide range of emotions and dramatic experiences.

Join them for this special event, which will be held as follows:
Date: Sunday, 30 June 2024
Time: 15:00
Venue: Northwards House, Parktown
Price: R250.00 per person
(If you hold a season ticket, your ticket is still valid for this concert).